Something I will treasure

There are lots and lots of things that i treasure the list is endless.
However this is a moment in time that I will always treasure.
This morning was Jacobs last Nativity he will appear in, (he played the part of "the door knocker" to the far left of the blip) next year February 2014 he will be a grade 3 student, and as we were told by the principal, next term "they will be grown up boys and girls"
We have watched the Nativities since Jacobs older brother Koen was in Kindy, Sara their mum thinks she will have to watch someone else's child next year as she isn't ready to move on!! Bless.
The hall was full of sheep and cows, angels, stars and shepherds with an array of coloured t-towels from their mums kitchen tied on their heads with tinsel and of course the three wise men around the manger and baby Jesus.
They all put on a great performance for everyone, some of the younger ones were falling asleep! Or scratching their heads or feeling wobbly teeth like the girl at the front of the blip, so funny, but great memories of watching both the boys singing their hearts out and having so much fun.
We went for coffee afterwards with Sara and Hillary, Jacobs other nan and a few mums.
A very treasured moment in time...

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