From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Where are the elves?

This is a quickie tonight as I am lacking in inspiration and nothing happened anyway. Well, that day flew! Mondays usually drag but it was busy right from the minute I logged in. I was tossing and turning most of the night and had about three hours of troubled sleep at best. It was almost a relief when my alarm went off and I could give up and get out of bed.

It was the usual trip to McDonalds for a cuppa where the zombie who served me was even slower than usual. I nearly lost the will to live watching her take forever to dump a teabag into a cup and put hot water on top of it. Excruciating! I know I'm a tad impatient at times but seriously, if I'd been a man, I'd have grown a ZZ Top beard in the time it took for that tea to be handed over. I headed straight out the door with my drink straight afterwards.

You could tell it was December, not so much by the temperature as it wasn't particularly cold. I knew by the untidy load of sheds dumped at the entrance to Mell Square - it was like a shed convention, them all huddled together as if they were having a meeting. I decided to leave the picture taking until lunchtime when the annual Christmas market had been set up properly.

It was such a busy day that no sooner had I dealt with one Sys Admin call, another one came through. I must admit I prefer it like that as the time just disappears. I had a bit of a wander around the market later. There are no wonderful rides (or even non-wonderful rides). To be honest, the only thing that makes it look any different to the usual monthly market that fills the High Street is that the sheds have Christmas lights on the roofs with bits of cotton wool trying to make everything look snowy. Bah humbug! Also, Costa Coffee in the middle of the square has turned into a German style beer hall! It's a bit bizarre.

The picture is of a typical Christmassy stall on Solihull High Street. Hmmmmmm...

That's it! Nothing else happened today at all so I will give up now. Also, I have just glanced up and seen gigantic cobwebs hanging off the light I must attend to! I am turning into an old bag like Miss Havisham in Great Expectations, surrounded by dust and spiders!

Track? Now I am no Queen fan despite thinking Freddie Mercury was one of the finest showmen ever. I love this one with it's heartrending guitar notes in it and the words are beautiful. It was the first track played on the radio when I was in the shower this morning - These Are The Days Of Our Lives

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