Are these Christmas trees??!!

Every morning Ann tells me what we are going to be doing for the day.

Today’s schedule of events was:

1) Take me for my morning walk. We saw some trees but they didn’t look like Christmas trees to me??!!

2) Ann goes to work, I snooze in my bed.

3) Take me for my afternoon walk. Down on the beach yipeeee!

4) Ann goes down to the Guildhall to help decorate 140 Christmas trees which are going to be put up around the town. So Ann gets to see loads of Christmas trees but I don’t??!!

5) Ann comes home and we go out somewhere together, I get an extra walk while we look for somewhere interesting to BLIP for our 'Christmas Challenge'.

Our schedule of events worked really well up to No. 4??!!

Well, unbeknown to Ann, when she volunteered to help to decorate the towns Christmas trees; she didn’t realise that wine, mince pies & chocolates had to be consumed as part of the decorating process. Obviously she will be volunteering again next year!!!! Nor did she know that most of the volunteers go to the pub afterwards for a meal. What a fabulous way to make new friends??!!

So Ann went to the pub and had a couple of glasses of wine but didn’t stay for the meal because she knew that I was ‘home alone’ and would want my dinner. What a fabulous owner she is?

Ann’s come home and she’s given me my dinner............................. But I’m a bit disappointed because we’re not going to do No. 5 on our list. Apparently we’re going to watch Coronation Street and Eastenders instead!!!

So we’re having to do a bit of improvising here....................

Today’s easy peasy 'Christmas Challenge' is: Ann’s spent 2 hours decorating 140 Christmas trees – Which town are they going to be lit up in????

Answer will be on tomorrow’s BLIP folks.

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