
By ausmossie


I was down in Shenyang to visit T and have a job interview. The job pays more than what I am getting now and it looks like a good opportunity with some exciting challenges.. The only problem is that my hours will be almost the complete opposite to Terri's and we'll hardly see each other. After being in different cities for a year, I'm not sure I really want to do that. Part of the interview involved giving a short demo class with some of their current students. After the class (15 minutes) four of the kids ran up and hugged me, so I feel it kinda worked well.

I was talking with the teacher after the class and she said it was "very excellent". Trying to impress her even more, I asked her if a particular student was new to the school. She was surprised and asked me why I thought that. I said that the student acted a little differently to the others, not as 'nice'. He was in fact a new student and she was amazed at my perceptiveness. Score one more for me. I did notice that he was a little different, however, the real giveaway was the all the other students were wearing a uniform and he wasn't.

After the interview we found a local street market and this guy making pancakes. The hotplate part of the cooker rotates and he used a spoon to scoop the batter out from the bowl. We bought some and they were OK.

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