Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Blipvent Calendar - 1

It doesn't seem a minute since I joined AnnW and RobT last year with their blipvent calendar so I thought I 'd do the same again this year. Unfortunately after work I never got into the loft to get everything down, so here's Fudge wearing his new jingly Christmas collar and antlers. It's getting very awkward with H wanting to buy things at the moment and trying to put her off without saying I've already bought them. Every day she tells me she can't wait for Christmas, I've promised her we'll decorate tomorrow. She's been out today at a party, and with the Guides for their church's Christmas toy service. The teenage boy even had to get up today to compete in a volleyball tournament, which his team won, so he's quite boingy tonight. Hoping for a quiet few days now to catch up with a mountain of housework, dog walking, and blip!

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