In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Oh Christmas tree

Today's is Stevaan's birthday, and also the day we went to pick up our Christmas tree.
So off we went to Kirkhill Forest to pick our tree, a 6ft pine. Arya had a fun time. The tree we got was one that she chose.
We bumped into June's brother-in-law, Charlie and their daughters, Claire and Julie who were getting their tree too.
Afterwards it was time for venison burgers, tea and chips. Before taking Arya home, we stopped off at Formatines to purchase four more different types of Brew Dog beer.
Janine was just heading off to start the third night in her new job, working in the Indian restaurant in New Pitsligo. Lucky for her it is literally just at the bottom of the street where she lives.
Almost forgot, Happy Birthday Stevaan.

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