
So after Abi's party it was back up to Roz's mums for the end of Maddy's. The bus was supposed to show up to take them all back to Queensferry at 1 but it was half an hour late thanks to teh previous job. Not too bad though.

After a long lie today we headed into town for some food then up to Sallys.

I'd decided to head to the Cinema to see the new Thor film. Normally I'd have waited for the DVD but I'd been watching the Joss Whedon Marvel TV series and I'd got to one that was about the aftermath of the Thor film so I thought I'd better see it.

Came home to watch the episode this evening to find that the Sky HD box had stopped working. After about an hour going through repair stuff on the phone, including a system reset which wiped our hard drive I was told I'd need an engineer out and it would cost £65.

As I'm paying a not insignificant amount every month I decided to call the disconnection line rather than pay £65 for the liberty of continuing to pay them a serious amount of money every month.

After a bit of time on that phone line I'm now no longer disconnecting. They re-jigged my bill so I'm paying a wee bit less every month. In addition to that I have still to pay them £49, but for that they are sending out a brand new 2tb Sky =HD box and then moving the faulty HD box to the second room which at present only has a standard box. They will repair teh existing one free of charge and if it can't be repaired swap it for a brand new one (also free of charge) so in the end I got a pretty good deal, however since I have TV, phone and internet with them and have been a customer for six or seven years I think that's fair enough.

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