
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Up Arthur's Seat

A beautiful blue sky morning turned into a wonderful day. I had the pleasure of another blipper's fine company on a walk up and around Arthur's Seat. The top of the hill was a bit slippy and rather busy. I haven't been up in ages and it won't be long before I go up again.

We then toddled off to the pub where we were joined by another blipper and Dr T. It was great to have lunch together and feel content to sit and be. We were later joined by an old friend who got me back into blip. She has not blipped in a wee while and I hope to tempt her back with such good company.

An odd thing when we got home; the street was blocked off with fire trucks, ambulances and police. Evidently three fires had been set in stairs in our little street. I don't think anyone was seriously hurt but it was a bit of a shock.

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