Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


What my mum is driving me, actually had words with her this morning. Another Sunday morning of wandering aimlessly round the market, we queued for 15 minutes to get onto the car park, at that point I told her in no uncertain terms what I thought about markets, her reply was "o well you can have a rest now until I come over again next May". I did tentatively suggest that when her passport ran out in 2012 that it probably wouldn't be worth her while renewing it, she informed me that in the UK anyone over 80 can apply for a passport at no cost, I don't mind her being here, just wish it was a week at a time not a fortnight. I sound very ungrateful, but having the same conversation half a dozen times a day gets abit wearing. Even Roy opts out of things now so its left to me to take her shopping and to the markets.

I'm also starting to get a bit stressed about my Community AGM in 2 weeks time, I'm hoping that the Germans have no nasty surprises up their sleeves.

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