Story Starts Challenge - Day One

Death Knell

Chapter One: The Discovery

Detective Inspector Walsh (DIW): Morning Morris, so what have we got?

Sergeant Morris (SM): Good morning Sir. The body’s in there. It looks like a straight forward suicide from what I can see.

DIW: Have forensics been in yet?

SM: Not yet Sir, they’re still getting their equipment from the van.

DIW: So why have you padlocked the doors?

SM: Not me Sir. Her Ladyship said she and the Vicar found them locked when she came out after hearing the shot. They couldn’t get in as her husband has the only set of keys.

DIW: Right, well get those locks open somehow and get Forensics in there as soon as possible. I’m off to have a word with her Ladyship.

SM: Yes Sir!

So what happens next? Your challenge is to write a paragraph or two describing the next part of the story from the point of view of any of the characters or as a general narrator - I’ll then use some of your ideas to move the story forward and to lead into the next photograph and chapter of the story for tomorrow. You can either leave your paragraph(s) as comments to this photo or post links to where I can find them on your own journal page, tagging them ‘Story Starts Challenge’. I hope you enjoy the challenge and will collaborate in bringing the story to a satisfactory conclusion by the end of the week!

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