Taking Flight
- Well, what a bonus today has been. Cold, yes, but beautiful sunshine all day and ideal for getting togged up and taking the bike out for a cheeky Winter spin.This chap wanted to share my lunch at the canalside cafe but decided to take flight the instant before I released the shutter. It could of course have been a spectacular shot if I'd frozen the movement but in a way I like this more. The take off must have only taken milliseconds but he's already looking in the direction he's going to head.
Now, see how good I am to you ? There was a canal within spitting distance of here but I've spared you yet another man-made watercourse shot.
And in case anyone is wondering, yes, I did get a sunset shot. But by the time I came to post I'd been pipped several times. Also, I have already posted a sunset - see 1st September.
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