Rocks of Ages

I've restrained myself and not blipped this place for months, but nice light mid morning so took a pop.

The Cow and Calf are part of what have defined this place for centuries and more so since the influx during the Victorian hydro era. Legend suggests that the smaller rock - the calf detatched from the larger one, the cow when the giant Romabald fled his other half who he'd upset, clipping his heel at this point so making this a tourist magnet in this post giant/giantess era.f

In the foreground is a young upstart of a stone next to the car park and I think put there to disuade folks driving their cars up to the rocks - I say think, but I can quite belive that anyone would be that daft (but then I'm constantly suprised).

The rather bright seat on the left is painted and sponsered by a bread making company and looks a somewhat blot on the landscape, there are two other benches in the picture to the right of the path that seem to blend in well and afford a place to stop and adore Yorkshire.

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