red squirrel tales

By mmac

A matching pair

Lots of beautiful objects lovingly and carefully crafted were getting displayed with great excitement this afternoon.
Normally I Am part of that. Humphing the heavy woodwork benches around, sweeping up, covering things up, borrowing puppetry material, dressing up in the bric a brac, displaying all the magnificent artworks that have been made throughout the year.
Not this year. And I seemed to pass the time just fine. Sauntering (i like to think now I have matching shoes I can saunter but truth be told the same person passed me twice, fore n back, in the time I'd made it half way along the corridor) from one workshop to another, stringing a few glass decorations here and labelling a few puppets there. Attention span of a gnat. Musn't over do things.

Traditions come and go at the Bazaar over the years. S baking has become an institution. A restorative and medicinal 4pm call to tea. To be honest my attendance this afternoon was mainly based around this.

Totally done by 4.30- me and the cakes which meant cancelling a mates bday meal.

All the beautiful objects but alas I post a shot of my feet as this is what I Am most excited about today.

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