Lots Going on....
.....in this shot and in our day.
This is the view from the dome of St Paul's, looking across The Millennium Bridge towards The Tate Modern. You can see The Globe on the left and lots of building work going on.
I've never been in St Paul's before - I was very impressed, if a tad knackered from the climb. We didn't make it to the Golden Gallery as that involved 152 more steps up a rickety open spiral staircase. I don't mind heights but I do mind falling to my death.
We've been to Harrods; I resisted buying the life-size cheetah, but found myself tempted by the dog breath freshening foam, a snip at £40.
Most of our time has been spent at the Christmas market on the South Bank - we have eaten, shopped, and Sarah has ridden the carousel 8 times. They gave her a free ride for being their best customer.
I really wish I had brought my tripod!
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