The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


...snapped this morning at Stroud's Friday market in the Shambles as I sped past on the way to work. Don't get me started on second hand books!

I am angry at Sky for ringing me at home on a Friday night, from a call centre where there was apparently a party going on in the background. I asked them to call me back at a quieter time. I'm also angry at o2 for selling their home broadband and phone business to Sky without consulting their customer base. I did not want to be with Sky, that's why I left them for o2 in 2009!

I'm also shocked to hear that a friend of mine has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. She and her partner have a young family with additional needs. Another friend of CleanSteve's has a similar condition. Both are young middle-aged: what is going on? My hearts go out to all their family members. I've offered to help, insofar as I can.

Scary moment at work today when the fire alarm went off. We got all the kids outside, in their wheelchairs/walkers, and then heard the fire sirens screaming along the road. At that point we thought there might be a real fire, but it was pure coincidence, and just another fire practice. We have a lot of them.

Meanwhile, tomorrow's arts fair featuring my aromatherapy stall starts at 10 tomorrow, but CleanSteve has offered to help set up, so we have to be there at 8. Bit early for Saturday morning! Please wish me well...

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