
By BlipsByBex

An old favourite and a new toy

So after a lot of agonising, talking to friends and fiddling with cameras in shops, I have joined the Nikon club! I'm now the proud owner of a shiny new D3200, which edged out the 5100 on the grounds that more pixels might help with cropping, and that it's smaller. Had money been no object, I may have leant towards the 5200, but it is and given my camera skills (or more accurately, lack thereof!) the 3200 seemed like the best choice and will hopefully last me a long time. It's also a chunk smaller than my Sony was too, and very light which is nice.

So this is the result of a very brief play in the dark, trying to work out which buttons were which! Tomorrow the battery will be fully charged and there will be light, so I'll be off out playing.

This is the same windmill as in this shot, over in Suffolk where I do some work sometimes.

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