Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

'Black Friday'

A morning of domestic chores. But I’ve realised that what was a chore when you were working, isn’t really a chore when you’re retired - more of a routine. Washing (hung it out first, then on the pulley to air) cleaning out the baby Aga (got my new tin for putting the ashes in), washing dishes pressing the button on the ‘magic cupboard’… With a pop up to the Royal Mail collection box to pick up an Amazon parcel, a visit from a double glazer, and a coffee with expensive toast when my chores were done.

In the old flat, I had all my music on the computer, and a hole through the wall to the lounge to connect to the Harman Kardon soundsticks. But I cannot do that in this flat. The computer is going to be too far away. The solution? A wifi set up. I have been considering this for some time, and today was the day to join the throngs in the ‘Black Friday’ mass pre-Christmas spend up.

And so we hopped into town, to JL, my favourite shop and my favourite department. I said that I’d like some advice on a sound system. There was a more mature woman standing there, and she came to assist. And boy! Did she know her stuff. I thought it was quite amusing, two biddies, standing talking about wifi speakers and up to date sound systems.

Anyway, got a beauty. Just need to read up about it now and attempt to programme it tomorrow. It’s a Bose.

I had a look at the big whirly thing in St Andrew Square. Barrioboy suggested that I have a whirl in it. I would, but when I was about 15 I went on one of those whirling things with seats on chains. I felt so ill and discombobulated for ages afterwards, that I have never been on a fairground ride again. I didn’t want to get discombobulated while 60 metres up in the sky.

We then had a walk down to the Christmas markets. Crowded. Not everyone with the Christmas spirit either. One older woman, obviously a fed up granny, shouted at a whingeing child,

‘Shut up! Or you’re gettin’ nuttin’!’

The kids must get so hyped up. And it’s not even December yet…

The ice rink was going great guns, although there seemed to be more staff that punters. I wasn’t tempted. Last time I went ice skating I cracked my wrist.

Back home to read up about the new sound system. And have a Friday glass of wine. Simultaneously.

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