
By jannylou


Our girls shopping trip got off to a rocky start when our car was hit by a truck on the highway. I've spoken about the mental driving out here and I guess it was only a matter of time before we were involved in some sort of accident. Thankfully we were all ok and it turned into quite an adventure. We had to wait in the middle of the highway and must have been quite a sight to the Saudi drivers ! The very young policeman then ushered us across the 6 lanes of speeding traffic (he stood in the middle and stopped it first) and we were told to wait in the car. This was our view of the truck driver protesting his innocence. He then disappeared on board another truck only to return a while later hanging off the side of a JCB which was driving up the wrong side of the highway. Only in Saudi. A replacement car eventually turned up for us and we headed across the causeway to do some Christmas shopping. Except we were hungry so we went to the pub for lunch and before we knew it it was 5 PM. We got to the mall, visited one shop and then made for the nearest bar to wait for our car to take us home. Great day but I guess I'm going to have to reschedule the shopping trip.

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