Hail and Thunder Storm of Note

Phew, one of the worst I've experienced in my life! We had hail about the size of dove eggs but in Johannesburg and Krugersdorp region they were the size of golf balls and even some the size of cricket balls, photos published in news papers to prove it! House windows, roof tiles, car windows as well as extensive damage to car bodies were reported! Ronnie's Jeep wasn't spared either, it is small dents all over the body! Storm wind caused trees to be blown over, blocking traffic on main roads and our streets and roads were turned into rivers. The weatherman is talking to us on the TV now, predicting another huge storm for later this afternoon (Friday) again and even more for Saturday, but they believe there will not be hail again.

This picture was taken in our complex, at the corner of our house, with Ernie's house 'across the river' from us! LOL! Our streets in the complex were turned into little rivers as well, water streaming in at the main gate, from the street passing the complex. which was totally flooded too. Ernie and Francois were busy clearing all the leaves and twigs, carried from all the ruined gardens in our area, by the storm water, blocking the drainage system.

We were without electricity for over 8 hours and without internet connection for more than 18 hours, hence my very late entry1

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