An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Back blipped 28.11.13

Day 2 of the final clear out of the games room but managed a wee stroll in the garden first as it was such a lovely morning.

David attacked the mountain of boxes of paperwork going back years! Such a laborious task dividing it into straightforward rubbish, confidential waste and keep piles. So easy to get into auto pilot and just throw stuff out. We almost chucked my grandparents wedding certificate at one point!

While David did the bulk of the paperwork, I was at the other end sorting out all the photo frames I have bought but have yet to fill. Took a note of all the sizes so at least I know now what size prints I need. Now to decide what to print!

Also sorted through the Christmas shopping that has started to arrive. Wrapping shall commence soon.

Yay, feel almost organised.

Got loads done but by the time we left the room it still looked like a bomb had hit it. A bit demoralising to be honest.

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