Keith B

By keibr

The setting sun goes south

Between the horizon and the roof of the library there is a thin strip of sky, as seen from my office. For only a few minutes each day, if the sun is still shining, it beams into my office before dropping behind the hills to the southwest of the town.
As we move towards midwinter the sun sets further and further to the left, closer and closer to south, earlier and earlier in the day.  On Midwinter's day, 21 December, it reverses, and journeys back along the horizon. On 13 January it will arrive back at this point on the horizon, setting at 13:58, as it did today. After that it continues it's daily journey to the right (westwards, closer and closer to north) until the 21 June, Midsummer's day. At that time it will be setting at about 22:30, hopefully long after I've gone home from work! Some of this information came from this interesting website if you want to check out the information about your home.
As you cn see this is a clipped version of the photo. The original is on my Flickr, as is a more abstract version of the same thing that was in competition for today's blip.

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