Yuck Fou

Knew the moderators wouldn't let me get away with the proper version in a photo, but all I have to say is " Fuck You " to my potential car burglars.

They ransacked my car overnight , looks like they tried to start it , they failed . Ha! Also looks like they have picked all my CDs up for a look and thrown them back down on disgust ! Double ha ! Knew my terrible music taste would stand me in good stead one day! I win! La de la de la. Who's laughing now !

Police coming round later , I am more concerned that if they finger print my car; they will obviously get my prints also and I wouldn't want them to find a match on the database from the prints on Jonny Brownlee's front door from "that incident " ... I can explain everything ...

In other news I got six inches cut off my hair

In more other news I forgot to read the rule that says you shouldn't pose for a photo with soup stains on your top .

Update: just to restore my faith in human nature , I went to our local organic food shop for some community spirit . They gave me a free cake with my bread to cheer me up . I took them some home made soup in return later . People are ok really .

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