Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I'm so very ill. So instead of downton (for now) I'm watching csi.

So yeah. This weeks illusion project has in fact taken a turn, when I presented to the class m idea of the masquerade and Romeo and Juliet. An idea popped into my mind which relates to mask but not in an obvious way. I thought about makeup and how people hide behind it. How, for most, its a safety blanket. Maybe if you have imperfections or scars you can just cover it up. Quickly and easily. We think its weird if African tribes were masks or Hawaiians where the TWiki masks, but in this world we're all tribes really.

I'm sorry I don't have a lot too report on today.

Last night I went to go see Ghost in theatre, honestly amazing. Just amazing. If you've ever seen the film and cried you have no idea how much worse the play is. They even do the whole potters wheel thing which seems more relate able now. Oh no beautiful the music matches perfectly as well. Safe to say I absolutely balled my eyes out.

Happy Blipping.

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