
By Isabel

A glimpse of Glasgow...

One of the things I love about Glasgow is that it holds so many hidden surprises. It has been the victim of some fairly dubious planning decisions over the years, and so the full impact of the beautiful 19th century buildings is not always immediately apparent. But if you take the time to look up....(when stuck at traffic lights, or waiting at a street corner)... then you realise just how beautiful the old Victorian architecture actually is. This particular glimpse of old Glasgow was taken at the corner of Bothwell Street and Hope Street...
The sign hangs from the Abbey National building built in 1849. The red sandstone building behind is 106 Hope Street. Built in 1894, it started out as the offices of the Scottish Temperance Society. The idea of temperance didn't really catch on in Scotland, so in 1919 the building was taken over by the Daily Record newspaper...
I was working in Glasgow today and took this shot while popping out to get something for lunch. Was supposed to be meeting YS for dinner, but he had Uni work to do so dinner was called off. Kind hubby took me out to dinner instead, so that was a nice treat on a Wednesday night... :)

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