Capital adventures

By marchmont


Everyone that was anyone was in Glasgow today. The Alex and Nicola show were there with a document, the mass of media types were there to report it and I was there to talk about Standards. The only sign I saw of the main event was the police overhead.

My meeting was long, freezing in the morning and so warm in the afternoon I nearly slept. I'd planned to take pretty pics of the Glasgow decs but as I crossed George Square I realised I could catch the earlier train so only one was taken.

IT came for a meal tonight. Although he was slightly later than planned the three of us and Molly the wonder cat had a great time. Loads of reminiscence and forgetting people's names and even better a new bag of Alford Oatmeal, a taste of home.

It was a good evening but at the end I was straight to bed, well after 11.

J phoned tonight. They've been here for over 2 weeks and go back to France on Friday but she hasn't had time to see me, busy with the other relys and friends. I had invited them on Thursday night but they need to pack and spend a last evening with the folks. I can't decide whether or not I'm hurt that I'm so far down the list, the elder sister. Well they'll be back, next September, a wedding means I'll probably get fitted in then.

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