Family of three.

By livingbythesea


Oh I had such a lovely day today. I slept at mine last night so that I didn't disturb Paul with my current lack of sleeping. I set no alarm and had no children and woke at.......... 10.30am!!!! Okay it was nearly 2am the last time I had looked before falling asleep but even so. Wow

Paul and I headed to Taunton to go Christmas shopping and got there about lunchtime. We found a lovely little Italian restaurant which smelt delicious from the outside. Upon going in all the tables however were taken. Two of those tables though were just with an elderly man having a coffee and an elderly lady on the other. They very kindly offered to share so that Paul and I could fit in. Now I hold my hands up now and admit that I am terrible for ear wigging on peoples conversations but in this case the tables were so close together I couldn't help it. Anyway they were chatting lots and getting on very well and the lady mentioned she had on only recently moved to the area and he was telling her good places to go. Anyway by the end of it they had agreed to meet up again to go out!!!!!!!! How lovely is that??! Put me on a real high as I love it when people meet when they shouldn't have (if you get what I mean) and then get together.

Paul and I spent the afternoon shopping and being silly, laughing and fooling around. he always makes me so relaxed that I can just be me without worrying if people are staring. I have only really been like that before with a few very close friends so it is lovely to be like it with a partner too.

The children were home early eve and after a quick catch up on our days I took them up to their beds. When I went up to my bed however this is how I found them. So sweet.

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