View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Roy gets a second chance

This morning when I came downstairs I didn't know what I was going to see but much to my surprise there was Roy standing up in the porch. I let him out into the garden and he did a pee but not a poo but wandered about looking and trying. Later The Crofter went out with Mac and Roy followed and he walked over to Lochside cottage and back so we had great hope. We decided to take him to the vet which is fifty miles away to see if there was anything he could do for him. He said that it was a mini stroke he probably had when he was stiff and his eyes rolling from side to side but sounded his heart and said it was fine. His temperature was a little high and a little blood in his stool which was probably the medicine that we had been giving him for the arthritis as that is one of the side effects. He gave us an antibiotic and other pills and would like us to phone back on Friday to see how he is. He is sitting on the carpet just now looking quite bright. When we were traveling to the vets we were sure we weren't bringing him home alive.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and we hope that he makes progress.

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