
By NickyH

#696 - Giant reindeer on the loose!


Giant reindeer in the town of Bury today, charging towards the shops on The Rock. Answers to the name of Rudolph. Works as head reindeer pulling the sleigh for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Likes carrots.

Has today been an improvement on the abomination that was yesterday?........

Oh yes! The carpenter and the decorator were around, so I needed to make myself scarce. What a shame! I went to the garden centre and bought some new decorations ready for The Big Tree Day on Sunday. I am now feeling ridiculously festive. I then did a spot of shopping, had my lunch out, then did something I've been wanting to do for ages... I went to the cinema... ALONE! It was wonderful! Just me, some pick & mix (including the obligatory pink chocolate mice) and The Hunger Games. What a fabulous day! I didn't even have to do the school run as H was at his friend's house for tea.

If Carlsberg did days off... :-)

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