Sky Blue Pinks

Another hard day's graft in the kitchen - still chaotic but there's light at the end of the tunnel. A slight hoohaa over the the paint colour for the wainscotting (lighter than anitcipated - Scullery Green for those who like to know) but I've got over it and as the man in the paint shop said the price of some paints is 'saucy', so Scullery Green it is.
And in the middle of all this I have also been back to the dentist and was stoical. Things have changed since I went to Mr Cohen, he of the hairy nostrils. I had to put on perspex specs, lie completely flat and swill out with liquid that looked suspiciously like creme de menthe, but wasn't. I'm jusy thawing out now. Bantry Bay was looking luminous as I came home, you can just see the tip of the Pier coming into the harbour.
Last night's film Blancanieves was very strange - black and white, in the style of old silent movies, loosely based on the story of Snow White and the 7 (bullfighting) dwarves, plus a lot of flamenco. I still haven't worked out what I thought! The flamenco was good though.

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