
Greyge is kind of like beige but without the warmth of brown tones to enliven it - that was the colour of the day (weatherwise, at least)

The foresters are over running the woods this week, felling anything that stands still long enough for them to get a chain saw to it, it's all carefully planned (this is Germany remember, you can't do anything (seriously) without the correct piece of paper) but it doesn't stop it being sad sight.

A little piece of me died today...picked the children up from school and gave a lift to one of the teen's friends, they were chatting (in German naturally) away behind me and I heard the teen use the word "gechilled" (to describe a teacher no less) I pointed out that surely "chilled" is the past tense already so adding the prefix "ge" really isn't necessary, but of course the Germans like to try to Germanise any word they're adopting. Denglish, from the lips of my own flesh and blood, I could cry.

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