Is the snail...

bigger than the poppy head or is the poppy head bigger than the snail (and how did it manage to get up that very slim stem)?

My day off, phew!! I worked from 8am til 6pm yesterday and was totally exhausted by the time I got home last night, so headed off to bed more or less straight after dinner... apologies for not commenting on blip at all yesterday (I'm trying to catch up now) :)

So this morning after a bit of a lie in, I headed off to a hearing clinic drop-in session and waited over an hour to see someone, but at last my hearing aid is working again (and it wasn't the batteries)!

Read a good book whilst I was waiting, then I went off to the garden centre to get my new slippers which are an exchange as the first pair were broken within a week! After that I treated myself to lunch in the café there~ bacon and brie toasted sandwich and the first mince pie (just so soft and warm, it broke into pieces, yummy :))

Then I had a look around, and bought my first Christmas present (woohoo...that' not me at all, I'm generally very disorganised)!

Now I'm just pottering around at home doing some essential bits of housework and trying to keep warm on a very dull wet day! I think I'm getting a cold, but that's the last thing I need at the moment...

PS. Does anyone know why there are lines all over this box as I type into it??

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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