An uncommon event
I saw a sunrise today! This is an uncommon event, so it had to be the blip for today, even though it's a bit noisy. Don't look large!
I dropped JR off at her place of work and had a wander along the beach. The seagulls caught my eye. Wonder who put the wee heart on the post? Therein lies a story…
Back to drop the car off for a service. I seem to remember that last time I did this, it turned into a very expensive visit. Guess what… same again. The bloke rang, and as far as I could understand him, there are many things needing done - new battery, new tyres, new windscreen wipers, new something or other that has worn loose, wheels re-aligned (sub text - do you go over many potholes?) …. STOP!
I then had a waste of time phone call with free advice on insulating your home. He kept trying to tell me to block my chimney. I don’t know how many times I had to tell him that I had a wood burner, not an open fire. Anyway, after half an hour ‘fact finding’ he popped the details into the computer and it came up with the earth shattering recommendations of wrapping the boiler in a jacket, double glazing, upgrading the boiler blah blah. Total waste of time. He’s going to send me the report. I managed to thank him profusely.
After a sit down and two muffins and coffee, I rallied round to do a few tasks - sent the gas and electricity readings (still changing over suppliers), rang another double glazing firm, chatted to a man who measured the windows and will send a quote, popped the spare door (nice brass handles) and old (but working) toaster on Freecycle (they’re being picked up this evening) checked out travel insurance checked out where to get the cheapest malaria pills. I don’t mean less effective - it’s the same pills - but the price varies quite a bit and I’ve to get 23. Each. That makes… er… 46!
Uncle A popped in on his way to the supermarket. He brought my next year’s ‘Miniature Schnauzer’ calendar! He located the stopcock. Important to know, and not something silly females think to ask about.
We had a chat about my meeting with J at the weekend, and J knowing about Scarp and my great grandfather the botanist and schoolteacher. Uncle A knew the story, of course, that J had related about the doctor who visited an old man on Lewis who only spoke Gaelic, and he was worried about not having an interpreter, but they found that they could chat away in Latin! The old man had been taught Latin by my great grandfather at the wee school on Scarp.
Doing something really exciting tomorrow!
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