
By Mariasme

Under the Bridge

Really tired today through insomnia last night. Got up about midnight, when I still had not managed to nod off, and watched the telly: the best treatment for insomnia I know.

I saw "Prisoner of the Islands", a quaint, 1951 British drama about the white man's burden set, in an undisclosed location; it could have been up-country Malaya, as far as the geographic references hinted, but the physical appearance of the "natives", and the dancers shown behind the opening credits suggest that the setting is more likely Sri Lanka.

So many interesting things to digest in this movie, looking at it with a post-modern sensibility. I enjoyed it greatly, and Robert Morley is one of my all-time favourite actors. He did not disappoint in this movie either.

So, to today's image: felt need of a fresh breeze and a view of the water today after work, but no energy to to the 90 minute return walk to the Captain Cook Bridge, so I drove there. I bring you one of the exhilarating views it offered me.

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