Under the motorway
The main road north from Auckland (State Highway 1, here known as the Northern Motorway) is carried over this corner of Victoria Park. Within the last couple of years, a tunnel slightly to the left as we look at this carries the northbound traffic, while the flyover carries only southbound (city bound) traffic.
I like these huge round pillars of concrete carrying the road on which thousands of vehicles travel every day. There is a small car park at the far end, and access to the park between the pillars in both directions. The closer vehicles are connected with the workmen in the foreground.
On the closest pillar is one of the mystery poster's efforts. I have to disagree with the statement, as it is clearly an advertisement for the postings. Which are in a way made more powerful by being (by implication) described as not being advertisements. If advertisements seek to encourage someone to respond by paying attention, or some such outcome, then this IS an advertisement.
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