Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

GuardFrog, Beware.

Following a recent, disturbing, rise in pre-loved book abductions, Management have been forced to escalate security measures.
As Bookworms are a little slow to react, GuardFrogs were the extreme, but obvious choice.
It also coincides with our Green Policy, on many levels.
Budgetary restrictions, and fears for the safety of Very Small Children and Bockety Old Ladies precluded the employment of a BullFrog.
Highly trained GuardFrogs only wee-wee on bad authors, and, of course, have a fully certified gun kermit.
Management at Books on the Bridge welcome all froggy comments.

(Really, what happened was...I was moving a box of books from the back store, to put on display out front. Three of these officers jumped out at me, frightening the sh*te out of me. Having graciously posed for me, I released them back to the wild. I have no idea how they got there in the first place...

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