Just the Withers......

By JaneW

When you have had such a good saturated fat day..

You have excess washing up as the dishwasher is jammed full ....
I have some new birds to introduce to you ... One imbecile lady is Red owning to her looking like a tomato ..NOT REALLY she has red hair and also we have Bambi as this lady is 5ft 10inches tall FLAT FEET !! And her legs go on holiday a week before she does because they are so long !
I did a dog walk in the frosty hillocks and then rushed back to make my guests some scones and some of my award winning cookies ... My friends arrived at 11.30 and I thought they had been there about an hour but when I looked at the clock as I was getting fed up it was gone 2pm !!!

Anyway I do apologise for being lax in replying ... I don't have a massive excuse other than sheer laziness .. I keep watching TV.

PS.. We used the MOO jug but she needs filling up each time ... And she does look as if she is sicking up milk ;)

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