Debating independence?

Scotland's Future; the referendum white paper was launched this morning. This 670 page paper is the independence blueprint ahead of next September's independence referendum.

I was in the debating chamber with my colleague James this afternoon watching Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister presenting the paper and holding a mini debate. The main debate is taking place at a later date. Today's session was both interesting and hilarious in parts. I am on the Better Together side of the fence, but I'd actually be quite interested in reading the paper (or a synopsis) of it.

We weren't actually there to hear about Independence. We were there to listen to the Stage 1 debate of the Public Bodies Bill. It was positively eclipsed by the independence white paper.

This is the first time I'd ever been in the debating chamber during a live session so I found it fascinating. You aren't allowed to take photos during the debate, so here is one shortly before it started.

Ps. Thank you to everyone for your kind comments on my blipday post yesterday - they were all very much appreciated!

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