Life through the lens...

By ValC

Easly riser.

We were up early this morning, and MrC saw this unusual sky as the sun was coming up.
He thought it would make a good blip!

I had an appointment at the audiology department of Dewsbury Hospital, at 8.15am!
Didn't realise they started so early!

For many years my hearing has gradually been getting worse.
Mainly high pitched sounds.
So this morning I was fitted with two hearing aids.
I think they are going to take a little getting used to.
The right ear is fine, and I can't feel it at all, but the left ear is a bit uncomfortable, so may have to have it adjusted.
However, for the first time in ages, when sitting in the lounge, I heard the timer on the cooker go off!!
( Usually MrC had to tell me when it went off.)

Why is it that when our hearing is getting worse, we don't like to admit it, and the thought of a hearing aid is so off putting. Where as if our eyesight is getting worse, we don't mind wearing glasses?

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