Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Last Burst of Summer

That's what the weatherman called it on the evening news, "The Last Burst of Summer!" The high temp in our city today was 92 degrees. Next week it's supposed to reach triple digits.

So we both arrived home at about the same time late this afternoon. The house was warm and I wanted to get out of my dressy clothes, so I put on my swimsuit and announced that I was getting in the pool. Mr. Fun seconded the motion and we spent about an hour soaking in the water -- he actually did a little bit of swim exercise. I pushed the button on the cheapie camera numerous times, so I'm calling that my exercise.

It's my favorite day of the month -- the 17th -- it's the best. At the campus, the president gave the "State of the College" address this afternoon which took the place of the annual Convocation Ceremony (which is the official opening of the school year with lots of pagenantry). Lack of funds caused the elimination. The campus budget has been cut 2 million dollars and we've now got our biggest population of students: 11,000, which is stretching what budget we do have. So during the campus event the choir sang and our resident poet read one of his poems. It was a nice event, but nothing like Convocation.

The comments on my blip from yesterday about Mary Travers dying were meaningful and filled with memories and very interesting to read. Thanks.

Good night from a once again warm Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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