How indecent. Visible for all to see during broad daylight. Not even wearing a pair of trolleys either.
Exposed, flimsily-covered and delicate though these things are they do rather seem to be at the root of a lot of the world's problems. A couple of people have already mentioned similar concerns. Although I am a male I heartily agreed with the points when they were made and am frequently embarrassed, ashamed and disturbed by the behaviour of my fellow fellows. Besides the odd difference in organ allotment, hormone chemistry and a little bit of sexual dimorphism the presence or absence of any particular set of gonads doesn't stop people from being people and doesn't excuse them from conducting themselves in a seemly, polite and civilised manner. If you know (or perhaps are) an oafish nethers-driven male person then this summer why not try to eradicate at least one unnecessary and idiotic behaviour from your/their repertoire?
1: Staring, leering, pointing, commenting and other Offensive Attentions.
It is now irrefutably summer in the northern hemisphere. Mean daily temperatures are in double figures even up here. Although a select and hardened core of people both old and young are clinging desperately to several layers of winter-capable clothing most people have reduced themselves to one or two thin layers, often exposing significant regions of bare skin in the process. Men-folk: this DOES NOT mean that you have to down tools (be they pneumatic hammers or portable telephones) to follow the progress of women so beclothèd until they leave your field of vision. Nor is it required that you attract the attention of any other males of your acquantaince in your immediate vicinity so that they may act similarly. There is certainly no need for you to verbally comment upon the subject's (or subjects') appearance, neither for you or your companion's (or companions') own benefit(s) nor the "amusement and delectation" of the target entity. Are your minds so warped by the behaviours of the female inhabitants of reality television households and copies of The Sun that you believe all women to crave such attention at all times from any source?
If you see beauty then just feel blessed that you have witnessed it and return to your business happy.
Do not insult it.
Grrr. Morons. It's a sad state of affairs when a gentleman can't even walk down the street without seeing a women who is just walking down the street not be able to just walk down the street without being leched at by a knob-driven oaf. I'd try and take pictures of their leering faces to shame them if I wasn't concerned that passers-by might think I was taking pictures of the people they were leering at.
Next week: Posturing and Dominance Dynamics.
In other postulations:
You are a bus driver. You leave your bus and stand on the pavement to have a cigarette. You are standing next to a combination litterbin/ashtray. You finish your cigarette but instead of stubbing it in the combination litterbin/ashtray you get back on the bus with the still-smouldering stub held in your paw and then throw it out of the window onto the road. Nerk.
Bored with texting? Try new extreme texting. Actually it's maybe just to protect him from the shards when his Sony Ericsson K800 annoys him so much that he flings it to the ground causing it to shatter into tiny pointy pieces.
I am in a good mood, it's just that people annoy me sometimes. If nice wee aliens popped down and randomly sampled one of these oaves as a representative sample of humanity (not that nice scientifically-minded aliens would even consider a single example a large enough sample to be statistically significant) they'd never hang around long enough to make contact and show us how to build cool things which glow blue and make buzzywhooshing noises.
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