Happy 2nd Birthday to my little Bear!

So, the birthday season has reached its conclusion with my little Bear turning TWO today!

To add to his haul of duplo and dinosaurs yesterday, today he got a tub of magnetic letters for the fridge (from Grandma and Grandad, who I assume they were fully aware of the consequences of that one! There will be letters EVERYWHERE when they get back....!), play pots and pans and kitchen utensils, and a BIG tractor to play with that beeps and has an engine noise. Took him a little while to get over the beeping ;)

Happy Birthday little Bear, you little bundle of crazy happy energy. If it's true that children who sing all day long are happy children then despite the upheaval of the last few months I have very happy children.

Bear at TWO years old...

Can run. Fast.
Can climb, adeptly.
Has a rocky relationship with chairs.
Likes oranges, more than cake or biscuits.
Likes chocolate, almost as much as oranges.
Has made friends with the creatures known as "cats" and no longer shouts at Benji, the tabby cat that lives at Grandma and Grandad's house.
Can put his own wellyboots on.
Tells me when he has a dirty nappy.
Communicates fairly effectively through a mixture of signing, pointing, Bear-language and almost-English.
Is learning to sign his colours, ahead of figuring out the speech-thing.
Wants to be like his big brother.
Shares almost all of his food, and loves to take "two" things away, one for Bean.
Is learning to ride his balance bike.
Still likes mummy's boobs.
LOVES motorbikes and will watch Moto-GP given the chance.
Has a very loud rrrraahhhhh.
His attachment toy / car buddy is a large yellow cuddly duck that he chose from the bottom of a toy-basket at a charity shop in Gloucester.

See yesterday's blip for a "birthday party" picture :)

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