
Brisk walk this morning.

My friend kindly took Jamie after nursery today so I had the day to myself till about 2pm.
Managed to sort out some of the bits and bobs for Christmas that have arrived in the post.

I have lists everywhere.... Various lists on paper, lists in my phone, Xmas lists for friends, one each for the boys, Jamie's birthday list (his birthday is on 22nd December)....... The list goes on!!!

Anyway, all those lists you'd think I'd have the shopping spot on .... But I'm easily distracted and I have double ordered a few items due to not ticking them off and forgetting that I'd ordered them from another website site! Oh dear!
So today I pulled everything out to check exactly what I have and checked the order history of the online shops I use and I think I'm in control again! Till tomorrow!!

Bit of a Yucky subject now.... So stop reading if your eating and or easily offended!.... Ozzy has had loose stools since we've had him. Each time after visiting the vet it has cleared up a bit but always seems to come back.... And the most worrying thing is its always, when loose, got blood in it.
He's been quite bad again the last couple of days so I think another visit to the vet is on the cards. It's just frustrating that we seem to be going round in circles and it never actually clearing up completely.
He's fine in himself, just as daft as ever and eating and drinking as usual, so it's not a major worry, but it's blood at the end of the day..... And that ain't right!

Back to work tomorrow after a lot of days off...... :-)

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