The Young Controller.

This afternoon, MaggieD and I babysat Eve & Euan for a little while so that Ali could go and meet up with an old friend.
Euan, naturally, spent some time playing trains. We had brought along a little battery powered engine which we had picked up and that caused a bit of a stir - Eve wanted in on the act are well! However, by the time we were leaving, the batteries were about stuffed so I brought the thing back home to fit a couple of fresh ones. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow. He did find time to help Gran "make"some empire biscuits - little shortbread rounds with icing and sprinkles on. And of course he had to taste test one or three to make sure they were good enough!
Poor Euan seems to have a slight cold; I just hope it doesn't come to anything. Eve, on the other hand, was full of beans, rummaging happily through the toy-boxes and squealing with delight when she found something interesting.
Back home now, Rona walked, central heating on and our tea cooking. That will be Monday sorted!

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