A Dream in the making

By dreamer

Out of the Jungle.....

,avoiding Ant & Dec, and headed north (thanks to Messrs Saab and BP), Cartem's travels gets in to gear.

Being a responsible young fellow, he decided he should stop off at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge to first give blood. In fact this was no ordinary blood giving session, but one arranged to check to see if he could give Platelets (see later). When enquiring how much they'd take, the answer triggered his comedic brain cells "Thats a whole arm full" (thanks to Mr Hancock) he cried, followed by a few expletives that we'll leave out to protect the innocent.

Unfortunately his Platelet count was not high enough to allow him to donate, hence the rather sorry looking face we see here. Are well, never mind.

There's a nice looking nurse over there - perhaps I can chat her up, he thought, and waddled off to catch up with her...........

Will Cartmen score, or will he need a bed-pan removed from his a@@e. Tune in tomorrow for the next gripping instalement.

PLATELETS - These are tiny fragements of cells made in the bone marrow, and released in to the blood stream. If a blood vessel is damaged, platelets will become glued together at the site of the damamge to form a plug. Patients whose bone marrow is not working properly (Cancer or Leukaemia patients in particular), or who are using up their own platelets too quickly (after an operation or serious infection) need a transfusion of Platelets. Some people have a high platelet count than others, and the NHS needs as many donors as possible. If you give blood, but not platelets, next donation ask if you could be checked to see if you could donate. The public service message ends here.

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