'Bratach Bana'......

......is the title of a traditional Gaelic mouth music song, and the literal meaning of the words are 'of white flag'....... our group are poised to dance the dance 'Bratach Bana' at our morning country dance session. It is very difficult to take pictures at our country dancing, as obviously we are all dancing and no one sits out...... but I have tried as some of you have asked. This is two rows of sets, there are another three sets to the right of my picture. (sets are groups of eight dancers). We had eight sets of dancers this morning.

'Mouth Music can be found in various forms throughout the world, but it is highly developed among the Gaels. It became part of the musical baggage of Scottish and Irish emigrants and travelled with them to Nova Scotia and down into the southern Appalachians. The term "mouth music" is likely to be a translation of the Scots-Gaelic "port-a-beul" ("tunes from the mouth"). It is sometimes sung with sparse instrumental accompaniment (bones, bells, drums) but is mostly unaccompanied. It was used as dance music and to make work lighter.'
(taken from the internet)

We had a great morning, as usual.

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