aging hippy

By aginghippy

Hi, I'm Henry !

06.00am woke up { big mistake }
06.15am got out of bed { bigger mistake }
06.16am tripped over rug { said "ouch" }
06.17am banged into door clutching knee { another "ouch" }
06.30am got soap in my eye in the shower { screaming in agony as men do ! }
07.00am dropped coffee grounds all over the floor
07.08am ran over foot with hoover ..........

At this point I should really have given in and gone back to bed I think but I decided to soldier on. After all things couldn't get worse, could they ???

Was reading the New York Times online when all of a sudden with a mouthful of Brazil's finest organic coffee I coughed and sneezed simultaneously.........

11.00am finally cleaned off coffee from computer screen and keyboard
11.15am photographing some flowers and raindrops for today's blip
11.16am spied Henry and was captivated by his colors
11.17am took several photographs of Henry
11.18am was having a nice conversation with Henry when he bit me on the ankle
11.30am ankle beginning to look like a sausage shaped balloon.
11.31am applied antibiotic cream to bite
11.32am rubbed eye with the fingers that still had antibiotic cream on them { other eye from the one that got soap in it earlier in the morning }

12.01pm limping around half blind and managed to post my blip of Henry ........
12.02pm sitting in armchair for the rest of the day looking for sympathy from all and sundry { as men do ! }

Have a better day than me one and all hehehe


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