
Last Saturday my eldest daughter told us that she wanted to do something for Children In Need and then almost immediately added, "I'm going to climb Arthur's Seat in my onesie". Swiftly followed by my youngest saying that she'd do the same. And they drew up sponsor forms and got some sponsors and today was the day that we went up. Those two in their onesies, me in my everyday clothes. And it was a great walk up there and then down again via a different route and photographs were taken.

(And as I was saying to jaybroek, I wanted to feature my girls on the blip today but my favourite photos of them were landscape orientation and, as you may or may not have noticed, I don't do That Way on here. But there are a couple elsewhere).

After all that activity it was out for a quick bite to eat in town before taking in the sights of Light Night and seeing Chris Hoy switch on Edinburgh's Christmas lights. A quick dash home and then out again to see a violinist friend play with Scottish Sinfonia at St Cuthbert's Church - Holst's 'Planets' and Stravinsky's 'Rite Of Spring'. Absolutely great - exciting and powerful and so glad that we went along.

The end of a long and busy day, just time for summat rather delightful off a new album.

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