One Step at a Time

By thepoacher

Let There Be Light

This is the picture I wanted to take yesterday but was put off by a couple of hoodies. I'm sure it's not my imagination that it's only recently been illuminated like this because it's quite eyecatching now as you drive by.

This aspect of the memorial commemorates those local residents lost in World War I.

For those counting today is day 328 of 2013. During those 328 days you could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I have gone out 'on a shoot' with the sole intention of taking a particular picture but today was one of those days. I think I was away from the house 30 minutes at the most. Whilst I was out, the next door neighbours chimenea set light to a huge conifer which went up with such ferocity that they had to call the fire brigade. Apparently it lit up our entire garden and my daughter described it as 'beautiful' if a little unnerving. Me and my camera missed the whole thing. So for years to come, wife and daughter will remember tonight as the night the neighbours torched the garden. And I have this picture. Which I like and am happy with. If only those two hoodies hadn't been there last night.

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