A lady of observation

By teresasmith12

Happy birthday Doctor!!

I just had to pay homage to this sci-fi series that started long before I was a twinkle in my parents eyes.
50 years ago at 5.15 pm on the 23rd of November 1963 William Hartnell became the first Doctor. Travelling through Space and Time in the TARDIS.
I have the first ever story on DVD which incudes the pilot episode.
I wonder if the production team at the BBC ever dreamed that the programme would ever reach 50 years?
We sat and watched the Day of The Doctor tonight as we were out last night.
I was excited as only a whovian is, to see how this most important episode would pan out, and I wasn't disappointed.
A truely remarkable storyline and a welcome return for my crush David Tennant and my childhood Doctor Tom Baker.
Here's to the next 50 years....

Happy 50th Doctor Who!!

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