Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Galloping Goose Barn - Dolores Station

So I finished putting on the metal siding and roof, as well as the wood loading dock and the goose doors at the ends. The doors don't really show in the photo. The building, in 1950, looked pretty bad - with lots of rust stains and paint falling off. I weathered it to a stage and may add more as it looks too new still. It looked darker and rustier on the workbench due to the lights there. I will let it be for a while - you can always add weathering but taking it away is usually impossible.

By the way, I used a new product for the weathering. A pastel chalk product from PanPastel. ( Interesting stuff. You can use small sponges and apply just a little and rub it in, or almost paint with it. It sticks great and I will not be "fixing" it with a spray as I won't be handling this building. And best of all they have come out with 10 colors that we use on model railroading for weathering.

Now - on to a new project - adding some trees and fowl edge around the goose barn and the junction between the backdrop and the earth level.

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